Win11 Tweaker is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community. Whether you want to report issues, suggest new features, or submit ...
2022年10月2日 — Это самая мощная программа для полной оптимизации Windows, отключения слежки за пользователем, глубокой очистки компьютера и многого другого ...
Winaero Tweaker is a free app for all versions of Windows that lets you adjust (i.e. tweak) hidden secret settings that Microsoft does not let you adjust ...
Winaero Tweaker is a freeware app created by myself, Sergey Tkachenko. It is an all-in-one application that comes with dozens of options for fine-grained ...
2022年6月22日 — Ultimate Windows Tweaker is like a TweakUI for Windows 10. While you may be able to access all these via the Windows 10 Settings app, the ...